Tint & Henna

Enhance and open up your beautiful eyes with our eyelash  tinting. Sharpen your features with a brow treatment to frame your face.  Henna options available.

Note: we strongly recommend a 48hr patch test prior to treatments.

Tinting & Lashes

Eyebrow tint €20

Eyelash tint €20

Eyebrow shape €18

Eyebrow tint & shape €30

Eyelash & eyebrow tint €30

Lash tint & brow shape €30

Eyelash tint, Eyebrow shape & Tint (eye trio) €40

Yumi Lash Lift €75 (+ add tint €80)

Yumi Lash Lift with brow shape / tint €100

Laminated Brows €65 

Eye Candy Duo : Yumi Lash Lift and Brow Lamination €120

Mina Henna Brows

A revolutionary tint that lasts 6-8 weeks, this treatment offers a choice of 8 different colours. Treatment includes a brow shape. 40 minutes €60